Nature in Finland

New national park in Sallatunturi

Now it is official. The Finnish parliament approved the proposal to establish a new national park in Sallatunturi, the eastern part of Finnish Lapland. Sallatunuri will be Finland’s 41st national park.

Environment and Climate Minister Krista Mikkonen said yesterday (23 November) that parliament approved the government’s proposal to establish the national park in Salla and it is great that the network of national parks in Finland is growing.

Sallatunturi National Park is easily accessible by public transport directly from the capital Helsinki.

“This year (2021), Finns have discovered nature with unprecedented enthusiasm. Nature has brought peace in exceptional times and the number of visitors to national parks increased by as much as 20 per cent at the beginning of the year. National parks offer outdoor activities for every Finn, but above all they preserve and enhance biodiversity. As nature impoverishes, we need more of these oases. That is why it is great that we are now making progress in creating new national parks,” says Environment and Climate Minister Krista Mikkonen.

Nieuw Nationaal Park in Sallatunturi
Photo: Iida-Aletta Pirttilä

National park Sallatunturi, Lapland

Sallatunturi National Park will be built in a nature reserve belonging to the Natura 2000 network. The area of some 10,000 hectares is a nature-valued entity, ecologically and scenically intact, right on Finland’s eastern border. The landscapes of Sallatunturi range from the hills and ridges to the gorge valley of Aatsinginhauda, which is about 250 metres deep. The nature of the area emphasises ancient, high-growth forests formed by artillery snow, as well as several marshes.

National parks in Lapland

There are 40 national parks in Finland and Sallatunturi is the 41st. National parks are vast natural areas with the crucial task of ensuring biodiversity and giving people a chance to relax and enjoy nature. The parks have marked hiking trails, nature trails and campfire sites. Visitors can also stay overnight in the national parks at designated camping sites or shelters and huts.

Now, eight of Finland’s 41 national parks are in Lapland. These are Lemmenjoki National Park, Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park, Urho Kekkonen National Park, Riisitunturi National Park, Oulanka National Park, Pyhä-Luosto National Park, Bothnia Bay National Park and Sallatunturi National Park in Salla.

Source: VisitLapland [24-11-2021]