Disclaimer for finlandvakantieland.nl
On this page you will find the disclaimer of finlandvakantieland.nl, as made available by finlandvakantieland.nl. In this disclaimer we indicate under which reservation we offer the information on our website to you.
Intellectual property
The use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information. You may only reuse the information on this website in accordance with the regulations of mandatory law.
It is not permitted to reuse text, photo material or other materials on this website without express written permission from finlandvakantieland.nl. The intellectual property rests with finlandvakantieland.nl.
No guarantee on correctness
finlandvakantieland.nl strives for a website that is as current as possible. If, despite these efforts, the information or content on this website is incomplete or incorrect, we cannot accept any liability.
The information and/or services on this website are offered without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or repost them without prior notice. finlandvakantieland.nl accepts no liability for any information contained on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.
We have tried to do as much justice as possible to the sources used. If you find anything that violates this right, please contact us.
Should this disclaimer change, you will find the most recent version of the disclaimer of finlandvakantieland.nl on this page.