Finland world’s happiest country for 6th year in a row

Yle News – 20.3.2023 /

Finland world’s happiest country.

The results of the World Happiness Report are published annually on 20 March to mark ‘International Day of Happiness’.

Finland world's happiest country

Ice hockey fans in Lahti celebrating Finland’s world championship win, May 2022. Image: Petri Niemi / Yle

Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row.

The World Happiness Report — compiled by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a global initiative of the United Nations — is published annually on 20 March to mark ‘International Day of Happiness’.

The study asks respondents to evaluate their life using the mental image of a ladder, with the best possible life for them as a 10 and worst possible as a 0. These life evaluation results are then correlated with various life factors: GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and corruption.

Once again, all of the Nordic nations performed well in the 2023 report, making up five of the top seven places.

The secret to Finnish happiness has been debated worldwide ever since Finland was first nominated for the prestigious title. Finns themselves believe that the key to their happiness is found in four elements: nature, lifestyle, food and sustainability. This summer, Finland is teaching how to master these qualities and find your inner Finn.

A deep connection with nature

In addition to the 187,000 lakes that bless the world’s largest archipelago, 75% of Finland is covered by vast green forests. Finland is home to 41 national parks and provides citizens and visitors alike with Everyman’s Rights – the freedom to roam in nature and enjoy outdoor pursuits regardless of who owns or occupies an area. It’s no wonder that Finns foster a deep connection with nature throughout their lives – finding happiness in the many benefits nature offers. For example, it has been proven that even 15-20 minutes in the forest decreases blood pressure and improves mood.

Enjoying a simple lifestyle

Favourite Finnish habits and activities are quite simple. The Finnish sauna, a crucial source of wellness in Finland, is a world-famous institution known for its health benefits. Combined with a refreshing plunge in a nearby lake in summer or brave a dip in the ice hole in winter, a sauna – considered a lifestyle by many – is a firm contributor to Finnish happiness.

A commitment to sustainability

Sustainability is traditionally seen as very important to Finns – whether it means preserving the surrounding nature cultural heritage or crafting innovations for daily use. From furniture to clothing, Finnish design is seamlessly integrated into everyday life in Finland. In a country full of exciting contrasts and nature as an endless source of inspiration, sustainability plays an influential role for the nation’s happiness.