How do you recognize a medieval European city? Some say it is the riverbank, the market square, the castle and the cathedral. That sounds familiar, in fact, that sounds like Turku! Turku is not only the only city in Finland that meets all the above criteria, but also a vibrant modern city with many events.
Along the Aura River, you walk through medieval cobbled streets.
The river is the heart of the city. In the summer, the riverbanks come alive when people gather here to eat, drink and listen to music. There are old sailing ships moored in the river and you can take cruises to the archipelago or to nearby Nmetaali. Cruise ships sail daily from the port of Turku across the Baltic Sea to Sweden.
Officially, Turku has been on the map by the Aurajoki River since 1229 and the buzz has not stopped ever since. In summer, the city bustles with events and festivals: tango, music, theatre, art, design and much more.
Cross the bridge or take the free Föri ferry to the west bank, where the main attractions are the Turku Castle, the Forum Marinum maritime center and the museum ship fleet (including the Suomen Joutsen volrig), as well as the Pharmacy Museum and Qwensel House. Closer to the Market Square you will find the recently renovated Turku Art Museum, the Market Hall and the beautiful Main Library.