Savonranta heart of Saimaa

Savonranta heart of Saimaa, a true natural paradise!

The village of Savonranta is a former municipality of Finland. It began a part of Savonlinna in the beginning of 2009. 

Located in south-eastern Finland, hidden in vast forests and among crystal-clear lakes, you will find the small village, with about 850 hospitable inhabitants. On the shores of Savo and at the edge of Kolovesi National Park.

Savonranta has it all:

  • 568.59 km² nature waits for you
  • peace and space to relax
  • clean air and crystal clear water


Savonranta, heart of Saimaa
Savonranta heart of Saimaa, a beautiful village in the midst of nature very near Kolovesi National Park

Visit the website of Savonranta.